Manage and improve your practice

Practice Relief enables partners or owners of smaller firms to manage their practices easily. It has comprehensive reporting capabilities that give you deeper insights into client profitability, staff productivity and overall firm performance.

What does Practice Relief do for your practice?

Practice Relief:

  • Helps you raise staff productivity and uncovers inefficiencies
  • Provides comprehensive analysis of client realization rate – helping you separate your most profitable clients from your loss leaders
  • Ultimately, helps you raise your bottom line


Easy setup

It’s easy to set up tasks, expense types, clients, projects, and users. Standard lists of projects, tasks, and expenses facilitate the setup process.

You can create up to 10 titles and corresponding default rates for users in your firm.

Practice Relief allows flexible entry of invoice information including payment terms, delivery method (print or e-mail), billing date of month, tax rates, billable vs. non-billable tasks and expenses, flat fee vs. computed billing, invoice prefix format, task and expense groupings, flat fee description, and invoice footer text.


Complete invoicing and payments module

  • Automatic generation of invoices based on your selection of tasks and expenses
  • Seamless integration of invoices for your firm with Accounting Power
  • Options to deliver and print invoices or send them via e-mail
  • Automatically maintains invoice status by assigning codes of Pending Delivery, Unpaid, Paid, and Void
  • Enter payments received against invoices or amounts paid on retainer, issue credit memos, or write off invoices in whole or part

Comprehensive reporting

Client reports

  • Realization rate report – a valuable analysis of profitability of each client
  • List payments received identified by credit type
  • List outflows, inflows, and receivables outstanding
  • Analyze fees and expenses for each client, comparing totals to amounts billed
  • Rank clients in order of fees received

Firm reports

  • Firm performance summary report, including active clients and projects, number and amount of pending payments, invoices not printed, tasks and expenses to be invoiced, and payments
  • Summary of invoice information, including bill total, amount paid, and amount due
  • Analysis of staff productivity by billable, non-billable, and billed hours, fees, and costs
  • Time spent by staff for all assigned clients

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